Although metropolitan districts are imbued with tens or hundreds of millions of dollars of taxation and borrowing authority, State and city regulatory oversight of metropolitan districts is nominal. Homeowners are financially responsible for funding the operations and debt of these metropolitan districts. Metropolitan district boards that are NOT comprised of independent directors expose homeowners to the heightened risk of material financial abuse. Installing resident/independent directors on a metropolitan district board is the most effective control residents can implement to materially reduce the risk of financial abuse and fraud from occurring within their metropolitan districts.
We strive to inspire homeowners to continually pursue and expand their learning and knowledge about their property tax districts, neighborhood and surrounding community. The quality of life within neighborhoods will increase as homeowners continue to educate themselves about their metropolitan district, neighborhood and their surrounding community.
The decision to become a homeowner is a significant financial commitment. Our services are designed to help minimize the cost burden placed on homeowners to maintain the public facilities within their neighborhood and to provide public services to the residents. We strive to inspire metropolitan district boards to continually focus on reducing costs without sacrificing the quality of services or facilities provided to residents.
A neighborhood is much more than a collection of houses, trees and streets. It is a diverse collection of people with unique personalities, talents and interests. In the words of a young adult science fiction writer Pittacus Lore, “A place is only as good as the people you know in it.” We strive to inspire metropolitan district boards to promote and strengthen community culture through a variety of public events and activities.
For many people, their house is their greatest financial investment. We strive to assist our metropolitan district boards with managing their districts in a manner that promotes (or at a minimum, does not erode) the values of the homes within their districts.
• Issuing high interest rate debt
• Borrowing money to pay interest on borrowed money
• Transacting business with the employers of board members (or companies owned by board members)
• Borrowing money to pay interest on borrowed money
• Entering into "blank check funding" agreements with contractors
• Avoiding the public bidding process on large construction projects
These are examples of common transactions which occur among many developer-controlled metropolitan districts that erode home values. Our district clients avoid these transactions.
State and City-level regulatory oversight of metropolitan districts is nominal at best. In addition, the most prolific form of government in Colorado (over 2,000 metropolitan districts) is not subject to the Colorado State’s Independent Ethics Commission. However, thousands of conflict-of-interest transactions are reported each year among metropolitan districts affecting hundreds of millions of Colorado homeowners’ property tax dollars. We are strong advocates for the implementation of independent, effective regulatory oversight over the operational and financial management of Colorado’s most prolific, and least regulated form of government.